Red Stripe Trochus Snail or Radiate Top Shell


General Size: 17 millimeters and 30 millimeters.


Red Stripe Trochus Snail (Trochus Radiatus), also known as the Radiate Top Shell, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk found on intertidal rock boulders in the Indian Ocean off Madagascar and in the Western Pacific.

The Red Stripe Trochus Snail or Radiate Top Shell’s thick, rather solid, trochoidal shell has a moderately elevated spire. The color of the shell is yellowish whitish, tinged with green, and radiately striped with broad or narrow uninterrupted, axial, crimson flames. The base of the shell is white or pink, radiately marked or minutely speckled with red.

Normally adult Red Stripe Trochus Snail or Radiate Top Shell and large shells are encrusted with algae. Shells washed on beaches are usually clean, exposing the underlying pearly layer below the surface. This species feeds on encrusting algae. A 1 per 5 gallons of tank water is recommended for most tanks.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 lbs


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