White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid or Pindani Cichlid



The White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid, Powder Blue Cichlid, or Pindani Cichlid (Pseudotropheus Socolofi) is a species of cichlid found at Lake Malawi preferring areas with sandy substrates and nearby rocks where the males establish their territories. White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid or Pindani Cichlids can reach a length of 2.6″ inches.

The White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid or Pindani Cichlid’s aquarium should be at least 5 feet long and aquascaped to emulate a rocky reef effect with some open expanses of sand. The White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid or Pindani Cichlid a relatively peaceful species, however, it is best to keep several females to each male, as keeping in pairs will result in continual harassment. When ready to spawn, the coloration of the male White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid or Pindani Cichlid will intensify and his aggression level will heighten.

The White Albino Mbuna African Cichlid, Powder Blue Cichlid, or Pindani Cichlid diet should be primarily vegetarian consisting of foods like cucumber, blanched spinach and romaine lettuce on a regular basis. Foods rich in animal protein could cause bloating, which can be fatal.

Additional information

Weight 6 lbs

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