Upside-Down Jellyfish



The Upside-Down Jellyfish (Cassiopea) is a genus of true Jellyfish found in warmer coastal regions around the world, including shallow mangrove swamps, mudflats, canals, and turtle grass flats in Florida, and the Caribbean. The Upside-Down Jellyfish usually lives upside-down on the bottom, and maybe found near numerous individuals with varying shades of white, blue, green and brown. Sometimes the Upside-Down Jellyfish is picked up by the Carrier Crab (Dorippe Frascone) and carried on its back. The crab uses the Upside-Down Jellyfish to defend itself against possible predators.

Upside-Down Jellyfish have a mild sting since they are primarily photosynthetic, but sensitive individuals may have a stronger reaction. The photosynthesis occurs because, like most corals, they host zooxanthellae in their tissues. The stings, appearing in the form of a red rash-like skin irritation, are known for being extraordinarily itchy.

Additional information

Weight 12 lbs


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