Fancy Tiger Striped Sea Star or Banded Brittle Starfish



The Fancy Tiger Striped Sea Star or Banded Brittle Starfish is found in the West Indian Ocean, and The Red Sea. It grows to a maximum length of 7.9″ inches.  It has a sleek physical build and stark-like coloration. Unlike many Starfish common to home aquariums, the Fancy Tiger Striped Sea Star or Banded Brittle Starfish has long, almost spindly arms that radiate from its central disc. But what this sea star lacks in arm girth, it more than makes up for in color form and appetite.

This voracious carnivore can make quick work of any uneaten meaty food it finds fallen throughout your aquarium. Fancy Tiger Striped Sea Star or Banded Brittle Starfish can be an essential part of a clean up crew, as many species live of algae and detritus. Sea stars should not be kept in tanks with high levels of nitrate or phosphate, as they are more sensitive than most fish. Protected by SiteLockVisa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover Credit Cards Accepted.  PayPal Is The Payment Processor for

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