Pink Sea Star or Giant Pisaster Brevispinus



The Pink Sea Star, also known as the Giant Pisaster Brevispinus or Short-Spined Sea Star, is a species of Sea Star from the northeast Pacific Ocean. The Pink Sea Star or Giant Pisaster Brevispinus can reach a diameter of two feet while weighing up to 2 lbs., and has spines less than 2 millimeters long. It has a soft, flabby body that allows it to bends, allowing it to stay on corals.

The Pink Sea Star or Giant Pisaster Brevispinus is usually found on sand or mud where it catches its prey such as clams or sand dollars. Smaller individuals are sometimes seen on rocks or pilings where they prey on mussels, barnacles, and tube worms. The Pink Sea Star or Giant Pisaster Brevispinus does not tolerate being out of water very well.

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Weight 8 lbs


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