Brown Spiny Lobster



The Brown Spiny Lobster (Panulirus Echinatus) is a species of Spiny Lobster that lives on rocky reefs in the tropical western Atlantic Ocean and central Atlantic Islands. Like other Spiny Lobsters, has no pincer-like chelae on its front walking legs. Brown Spiny Lobster differs from related species by having just two large spines on the antennular plate, just in front of the carapace, and the exopod of the third feeding appendage is reduced and bears no flagellum. The basic color is brown with large white rounded spots.

Brown Spiny Lobster antennules and limbs are brown and have longitudinal white or yellow markings. The average size varies over different parts of its range, with males growing to a carapace length of about 7.5″ inches and females 6″ inches. Males are in general more numerous, larger and heavier than females but this may be because of behavioral differences, with female Brown Spiny Lobsters feeding less during the breeding season.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs


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