Yellow Boxfish



The Yellow Boxfish (Ostracion Cubicus) fish is a species of saltwater fish found in reefs throughout the Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, and the south eastern Atlantic Ocean. It reaches a maximum length of 18″ inches. The Yellow Boxfish as a juvenile, is bright yellow in color. As it ages, the brightness fades and older Yellow Boxfish will have blue-grey coloration with faded yellow. The bright yellow color and black spots are a warning coloration to any potential predators, because, when stressed or injured it releases poisonous proteins from its skin that may be lethal to any fish in the surrounding waters.

The Yellow Boxfish feeds on marine algae, worms, crustaceans, molluscs, and small fish. They are solitary fish. Breeding occurs during the spring in small groups that consist of 1 male and several females.

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