Engineer Goby or Convict Goby



The Engineer Goby Fish is also commonly referred to as the Convict Goby. It’s in a separate family from the Gobies and Blennies. Its markings change throughout its life. Consistently, the colors involved are dark blue to black on white. As a juvenile, Engineer Goby or Convict Goby markings are horizontal, running the length of the body. With age, they become vertical bands.

The Engineer Goby or Convict Goby should be kept in a 55 gallon or larger aquarium with a sand covered bottom where it may make burrows. It needs peaceful tank mates and plenty of hiding places. Small groups or pairs tend to do better in an aquarium, but need to be introduced simultaneously to the tank. The Engineer Goby or Convict Goby has been known to spawn successfully in an aquarium setting.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions N/A


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