Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish or Uspi Rabbitfish



The Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish or Uspi Rabbitfish (Siganus Uspi), is a species of rabbitfish found only at coral reefs in Fiji in the Pacific Ocean at depths of 9.8′ and 65.6′ feet.

This Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish or Uspi Rabbitfish reaches a maximum length of 9.4 inches. The overall color is dark purplish brown apart from the yellow pectoral fins, soft rayed part of the dorsal and anal fins, the caudal fin, and rear part of body. It has a laterally compressed body, with a mildly forked caudal fin, and a nostril opening that expands slightly to the rear of the nostril and procumbent spine in front of the dorsal fin. There are venom producing glands in the spines of its fins, which can deliver an extremely painful sting that reportedly can hurt for days.

The Fiji Bicolor Foxface Rabbitfish or Uspi Rabbitfish is a herbivore which feeds on seaweeds. The adults live in pairs while the juveniles form schools.

Additional information

Weight 8 lbs
Dimensions N/A


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